Corporate & Collaborations

Corporate Orders.
Indulge your audience’s sweet tooth with a dash of decadence from P.Osh. Give that extra “oomph” to corporate gifts, event refreshments, and party favours with our classy brownies, cookies, macarons, and cheese cakes. Our baked delights are more than just treats—they’re a testament to two decades of perfection. Allow us to enliven your business occasions, making them as unforgettable as our timeless desserts. Because when it comes to corporate orders, we’re not just delivering bakes; we’re sending no-nonsense bites of joy, wrapped in rich history, to ensure the success of your project. Let’s make your next business gathering deliciously legendary!

Please email for corporate enquires; we will reply you within 1-2 business days.


Big it up with P.Osh x “your brand”! Collaborate with Singapore’s trusted brownie brand to add a touch of importance and indulgence to your events, products, or special causes. Our rich, decadent, Chewy Brownies have a devoted fan base, and partnering with us means aligning your brand with a symbol of time-tested excellence. Whether it’s co-branded events, co-marketed products, or crafting exclusive brownie creations for your café, we bring a blend of tradition and innovation to every handshake. Let’s explore how our delectable treats can enhance your brand’s appeal and create a sweet narrative that resonates with your audience. With our shared vision, we’ll craft experiences that leave awesome lasting impressions.

Reach out for a no-obligation discussion! Please email with an introduction of who you are, what you do, and how we can work together; we will reply you within 1-2 business days.


Take advantage of exclusive opportunities with P.Osh through our strategic partnerships. Whether you’re looking to offer partner discounts, set up office group buys, or introduce our delicious treats via creative channels, we’re here to create win-win initiatives. With a strong reputation for quality and taste, partnering with P.Osh allows you to bring something special to your employees and stakeholders. Let’s discuss how we can work together to enhance your brand experience and sweeten the same old, same old, with our irresistible desserts!

For partnership opportunities, please email and we will reply you within 1-2 business days.