


Please read instructions below before using.

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Each unit is worth $0.01. Please adjust quantity so that amount due is correct.

  1. Ensure that “Subtotal” amount is updated and correct.
  2. Press “Add to Cart” and confirm that amount to be paid is correct.
  3. Proceed to Checkout and enter details accordingly.
  4. For Shipping, select “Collection at P.Osh” and then “Kovan” for the Pickup Location. This is so that no shipping fee will be added to the payment amount.
  5. If your order includes delivery, please enter details under Shipping Address.
  6. Under Order Notes, enter invoice number (eg. 21P-06XX), if applicable.
  7. Select “Credit Card” payment and enter payment information before pressing “Place Order”.
  8. An email will be sent to you as proof of payment. Inform us once payment is done so that we can proceed with your order.

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